Sunday, August 3, 2008

blog entry #1

I've not been a fan of diaries or personal journals. David Allen's "Getting Things Done" was the first book I've read in 25 years. I prefer to read non-fiction items that have been in print less than a month, but more likely less than 24 hours.

I believe I'll live a more productive and satisfying life by making use of GTD principles. The collection phase helps get things off your mind and onto another media, paper or electronic is irrelevant. The idea is to free your mind and create a mind like water, ready for anything, free to think. I believe this is the desired state of mind to be my most creative, most beneficial to others and myself.

Not all my thoughts are time commitments, tasks, trash or reference material. Some of these things in my head could be construed as the essence of my being. It's those other thoughts that I need to get out of my head and into another media, thus a blog.

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